Joseph, R., Diochon, A., Morris, D., Venier, L., Emilson, C.E., Basiliko, N., Bélanger, N., Jones, T., Markham, J., Rutherford, M.P., Smenderovac, E., Van Rees, K., Hazlett, P. (2022). Limited effect of wood ash application on soil quality as indicated by a multisite assessment of organic matter attributes [en anglais seulement] . GCB-Bioenergy 14, 5: 500-520.
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Smenderovac, E., Emilson, C., Porter, T., Morris, D., Hazlett, P., Diochon, A., Basiliko, N., Bélanger, N., Markham, J., Rutherford, P.M., Van Rees, K., Jones, T., Venier, L. (2022). Forest soil biotic communities show few responses to wood ash applications at multiple sites across Canada [en anglais seulement] . Scientific Reports 12, 4171.
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Emilson, C.E., Bélanger, N., Brais, S., Chisholm, C.E., Diochon, A., Joseph, R., Markham, J., Morris, D., Van Rees, K., Rutherford, M., Venier, L.A., Hazlett, P.W. (2020). Short-term growth response of jack pine and spruce spp. to wood ash amendment across Canada [en anglais seulement] . GCB Bioenergy 12:158–167.
Azan, S.S.E., Yan, N.D., Celis-Salgado, M.P., Arnott, S.E., Rusak, J.A., et Sutey, P. (2019). Could a residential wood ash recycling programme be part of the solution to calcium decline in lakes and forests in Muskoka (Ontario, Canada)? [en anglais seulement] FACETS 4: 69–90.
Hannam, K.D., Fleming, R.L., Venier, L., et Hazlett, P.W. (2019). Can bioenergy ash applications emulate the effects of wildfire on upland forest soil chemical properties? [en anglais seulement] Soil Science Society of America Journal 83: S201–S217.
Hart, S.C., Massicotte, H.B., Rutherford, P.M., Elkin, C.M., et Rogers, B.J. (2019). Early response of understory vegetation to wood ash fertilization in the sub boreal climatic zone of British Columbia [en anglais seulement] . The Forestry Chronicle 95: 135–142.
Royer-Tardif, S., Whalen, J., Rivest, D. (2019). Can alkaline residuals from the pulp and paper industry neutralize acidity in forest soils without increasing greenhouse gas emissions? [en anglais seulement] Science of the Total Environment 663, 537–547.
Domes, K.A., de Zeeuw, T., Massicotte, H.B., Elkin, C., McGill, W.B., Jull, M.J., Chisholm, C.E., Rutherford, P.M. (2018). Short-term changes in spruce foliar nutrients and soil properties in response to wood ash application in the sub-boreal climate zone of British Columbia [en anglais seulement] . Revue canadienne de la science du sol 98, 2: 246–263.
Emilson, C.E., Hannam, K., Aubin, I., Basiliko, N., Bélanger, N., Brais, S., Diochon, A., Fleming, R.L., Jones, T., Kabzems, R., Laganière, J., Markham, J., Morris, D., Rutherford, P.M., Van Rees, K., Venier, L., Webster, K., Hazlett, P.W. (2018). Synthèse des dispositifs et méthodes de recherche d’AshNet et recommandations en vue d’un protocole normalisé . Ressources naturelles Canada, Service canadien des forêts Rapport d'information GLC-X 22F.
Hannam, K.D., Venier, L., Allen, D., Deschamps, C., Hope, E., Jull, M.; Kwiaton, M., McKenney, D., Rutherford, P.M., Hazlett, P.W. (2018). Wood ash as a soil amendment in Canadian forests: what are the barriers to utilization? [en anglais seulement] Revue canadienne de recherche forestière 48, 4: 442–450.
Lamers, F., Cremers, M., Matschegg, D., Schmidl, C., Hannam, K., Hazlett, P.W., Madrali, S., Primdal Dam, B., Roberto, R., Mager, R., Davidsson, K., Bech, N., Feuerborn, H.-J., Saraber, A. (2018). Options for increased utilization of ash from biomass combustion and co-firing [en anglais seulement] . IEA Bioenergy Task 32, Deliverable D7.
Hannam, K.D., Venier, L., Hope, E., McKenney, D., Allen, D. and Hazlett, P.W. (2017). AshNet: Facilitating the use of wood ash as a forest soil amendment in Canada [en anglais seulement] . The Forestry Chronicle Volume 93, 1: 17–20.
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Noyce, G.L., Jones, T., Fulthorpe, R., and Basiliko, N. (2017). Phosphorus uptake and availability and short-term seedling growth in three Ontario soils amended with ash and biochar [en anglais seulement] . Canadian Journal of Soil Science 97(4), 678–691.
Gorgolewski, A., Caspersen, J., Hazlett, P., Jones, T., Tran, H., et Basiliko, N. (2016). Responses of Eastern Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus ) abundance 1 year after application of wood ash in a northern hardwood forest [en anglais seulement] . Revue canadienne de recherche forestière no 46, p. 402–409.
Hannam, K.D., Deschamps, C., Kwiaton, M., Venier, L., et Hazlett, P.W. (2016). Réglementation et directives sur l'utilisation de la cendre de bois comme amendment de sol dans les forêts canadiennes . Ressources naturelles Canada, Service canadien des forêts Rapport d'information GLC-X-17F. 62p.
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Nishio, G. and Ersson, T. (2016a). Ash and biosolids trial [en anglais seulement] . FPInnovations Product-173-657 (Le texte n’est pas gratuit pour les personnes qui ne sont pas membres de FPInnovations.)
Nishio, G. and Ersson, T. (2016b). Spreading wood ash on forest land in Canada: an introduction [en anglais seulement] . FPInnovations Product-173-794 (Le texte n’est pas gratuit pour les personnes qui ne sont pas membres de FPInnovations.)
Noyce, G.L., Fulthorpe, R., Gorgolewski, A. et Hazlett, P. (2016). Soil microbial responses to wood ash addition and forest fire in managed Ontario forests [en anglais seulement] . Applied Soil Ecology 107, 368–380.
Brais, S., Bélanger, N., et Guillemette, T. (2015). Wood ash and N fertilization in the Canadian boreal forest: Soil properties and response of jack pine and black spruce [en anglais seulement] . Forest Ecology and Management no 348, p. 1–14.
Hazlett, P. (2015). Soil chemical properties following wood ash applications after biomass harvesting in the boreal forest [en anglais seulement] . Réunion annuelle de la Soil Science Society of America. Minneapolis (MIN), 15-18 novembre.
Rutherford, P. M., Massicotte, H. B., Chisholm, C. E. et Jull, M. J. (2015). Land-application of bioenergy ashes at the Aleza Lake Research Forest [en anglais seulement] . BC Forest Professional Mars-avril 2016, p. 18, p. 30.
Pugliese, S., Jones, T., Preston, M., Hazlett, P., Tran, H. et Basiliko, N. (2014). Wood ash as a forest soil amendment: the role of boiler and soil type on soil property response [en anglais seulement] . Revue canadienne de la science du sol vol. 94, no 5, p. 621–634.
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